Shaping the worldwide movements of the Gospel today and the future of God's kingdom tomorrow.
God's Kingdom is moving.
We are called to unlock the transformative potential that exists in every Christian. It´s all about strategy – to measure and increase the Kingdom impact in all spheres of society.
That is done through:
Analyzing Global Trends
Developing Macro Strategies
Accelerating Collaboration
Mobilizing Project Worldwide
We follow the megatrends of culture across all the major spheres to grow God's kingdom together.
The Global Strategy Forum is a Christian think & action tank initiated by the World Evangelical Alliance. It represents a broad diversity of experts from many countries, traditions and cultures all united by a shared vision, mission and faith.
Analysts and Strategists, Influencers, Mobilizers, Leaders of Collaborative Movements and Networks, For-Profits and Non-Profits, all working together to catalyze the world of God's Kingdom in every sphere of culture.
Arts & Entertainment
Politics & Law
Health & Wellness
Join us in Thailand for our
annual Global Strategy Forum.
September 18 - 21st, 2024
We will convene in Bangkok, Thailand to discuss global megatrends affecting the progress and impact of cultural spheres.
There will be strategic discussion and education in the morning meetings and collaborative project discussions in the afternoon to plan for upcoming demo projects globally.
Stories of God Moving
GSF uses the Commissioned App as our shared technology platform to build and accelerate our community